Board of Directors

Anne Gripper
Anne was June’s partner of nine years. They shared a love of sport – both as participants and in sport management. In 2006 Anne and June took a year off work to undertake a Master of Sports Management in Lausanne, Switzerland. In her professional life Anne has spent over 20 years working in sport administration, most recently as Executive Director NSW Office for Sport, and previously as CEO of Triathlon Australia and the Director of Anti-Doping at the Union Cycliste International (UCI) in Switzerland. In addition to Chairing the June Canavan Foundation Anne serves as a Director on a number of Boards, including AusCycling and the Pharmacy Council of NSW. Through the establishment of the June Canavan Foundation Anne has enjoyed learning about the art of philanthropy and the passionate, committed people working and contributing to the philanthropic sector.

Jo Saies
Jo Saies is an Adelaide based business owner, consulting in human resource and organisational development. She brings expertise in process documentation and improvement, governance and strategic communications to the JCF Board. In addition to her Director role with JCF Jo serves as Company Secretary. She also serves on the Optometry Board of Australia and University of Adelaide Animal Ethics committee. Jo has demonstrated a lifelong involvement in social justice initiatives, has a strong commitment to ethical and values based leadership, and is keen to see the JCF make a real difference within the philanthropic sector. Jo loves the outdoors, and has represented Australia as our first visually impaired female downhill ski racer.

Kerry Meehan
Kerry is a retired Psychologist who knew June for 20 years, initially introduced through her partner Sue. During that time June was Kerry’s Doctor, friend and boss. She subsequently worked part-time at the Surgery counselling.
Kerry reflects “Anne invited me to be a Director and it has been a pleasure to belong to the June Canavan Foundation, continuing on June’s legacy for many years to come”.

Lorraine Griffiths
As June’s oldest sister, Lorraine provides a strong family link to the Foundation. Lorraine and her husband David live on a property near Wangaratta. June was a “Wang girl” – she grew up there, becoming Sports Captain and a Prefect of Wangaratta High School. Throughout her life, June loved to return home to spend time with Lorraine and the family on the farm and catch up with old school friends. The Griffiths family are actively involved in many community organisations within the North East region of Victoria, thus ensuring that June’s legacy lives on through the support of projects in the area.

Jo English
As a fellow G.P, based on the Sunshine Coast for the last 24 years, Jo was a close medical colleague and friend of June. Outside of medicine, Jo’s interests include cycling, bushwalking and photography. She regularly commutes to work by bike, stopping constantly to photograph the beauty of the journey. Jo is a regular volunteer at Rosies, Friends on the Street, a charity which collects and distributes food to the homeless.

Merran Dobson
Merran has lived on the Sunshine Coast for over 20 years. During that time June became Merran’s Doctor and good friend. They shared a love of golf and sports. Known as a great networker, Merran brings her experience in event planning and management, marketing and business strategies to the Board. Merran enjoys working with the other Board members to ensure that June’s legacy lives on.

Peter Cochrane
Peter knew June for over 20 years. He first met June when he completed his high school work experience at her Maroochydore practice. He subsequently studied exercise physiology and nursing and while continuing a professional relationship with June as a great mentor, they also developed a close friendship. Peter worked with June in a variety of activities including the provision of medical coverage for sporting events, running preventative health programs and doing research. This work was often accompanied by an opportunistic swim or run. Peter currently works for Queensland Health and continues to seek out a run or swim whenever he can.

Maureen Cummings
Maureen is a Primary School teacher, specialising in Physical Education for much of her career. She first met June in the mid 80’s and they became firm friends. June was also Maureen’s Doctor from afar – often travelling from NSW to see June for a medical opinion and to spend time with her for fun weekends away. Maureen was also a member of the Triathlon Australia elite division which June looked after at times. Maureen moved to the Coast in 2003 on June’s recommendation as it was warmer than Sydney. Maureen endeavoured to help June with her fitness journey, although this was very spasmodic – spatted with dots of squash, walking / talking and occasional jogging. Maureen joined the Board in October 2019. She says that being a Board member to keep June’s spirit alive is a wonderful opportunity to work with an amazing team of people who are working together with one thing in mind – to ensure June’s legacy lives on for many years to come.
Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.
We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.