Who Is Eligible

The June Canavan Foundation provides two sources of funding support.

Grant Funding

As a Private Ancillary Fund we can only distribute grants to organisations that are endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as having Tax Concession Charity status and are Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR). You are eligible to apply for a grant if your organisation can demonstrate it has obtained the required DGR status (or you are auspiced by an organisation that has) and your proposal is aligned with the June Canavan Foundation Impact Framework 2021 – 2031.

We are unable to provide grants to individuals.

Loan Funding

We invest directly in organisations and projects through:

You are eligible to apply for loan funding if your organisation can demonstrate sound governance and your proposal is aligned with the June Canavan Foundation Impact Framework 2021 – 2031.

We support innovative proposals that may request a blend of grant and loan funding.

Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.

We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.