Matched Fundraising Program

What is the Matched Fundraising Program?

The program is a way for members of the June Canavan community to support the ongoing work of the June Canavan Foundation by raising money for Foundation-supported projects, and at the same time contributing to community awareness of the Foundation and its work.

If your proposal is approved, the June Canavan Foundation will match the amount raised from approved Matched Fundraising projects on a dollar for dollar basis up to a maximum of $5,000. This means you get twice as much value from your fundraising efforts, plus you have the satisfaction of contributing to the work of the June Canavan Foundation.

Who can I raise funds for?

Funds raised from your project must be directed towards an organisation or project which has been a recipient of a June Canavan Foundation donation or grant since 2021. You can see a list of eligible recipients here. Remember, you can’t raise funds directly for the June Canavan Foundation.

You can raise as little or as much as you are able. The June Canavan Foundation will match funds raised through approved projects dollar for dollar up to a maximum of $5,000.

Matched Fundraising proposals will be received and considered from members of the June Canavan community (defined as someone who knew June personally).

Note, an organisation which has received a donation or grant from the JCF, or an individual representing such an organisation, is not defined as a fundraiser for the purposes of this program. Previous beneficiaries seeking additional funds should follow the grant application process.

The fundraising project must be aligned with the June Canavan Foundation values. These can be found in the June Canavan Foundation Impact Framework 2021 – 2031.

The proposal must be for a future event – requests for matching of funds from events that have already taken place will not be considered.

Once you have a good idea about how your fundraising project will work, and have selected your fundraising recipient, you should contact the Foundation via email or speak directly with one of the Directors about your proposal. You will need to advise us in writing about

The June Canavan Foundation will advise you whether or not your proposal has been approved as a Matched Fundraising project. We will endeavour to advise you promptly, however you should seek approval as early as possible if you are relying on our decision in order to proceed with your project.

Once your proposal has been approved as a Matched Fundraising Project, your event may be publicised as a June Canavan Foundation Matched Fundraising Project. In some circumstances we may be able to assist you in publicising your event, or provide support in other ways. Please discuss this with us to see if we can help.

Once your fundraising event has taken place, you donate the funds you have raised directly to the approved recipient. You then advise the June Canavan Foundation in writing of the amount raised and confirm that your donation has been made. The June Canavan Foundation will then arrange donation of the matched amount to the approved recipient and advise you when this has been completed.

Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.

We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.