Invitation: Brunch With Gemma Sisia, School of St Jude

Friends and supporters of the June Canavan Foundation are invited to a morning gathering to meet Gemma Sisia, the founder of the School of St Jude, and Dorice Livingstone Abel , one of the first cohort of students who graduated from the school in May last year. Gemma and Doris are here in Australia speaking with supporters and potential supporters about the life and work of the school.

June was raising money for the School of St Jude when she died, and we have continued to support the school through her Foundaiton.

10.30am Sunday 10 April
Bitter Suite Café, Brisbane

So that we know what size table to book at the café, if you would like to join us, please RSVP by Friday 8th April. Use the contact form here or phone Anne on 0409 813 260.

See the  March 2016 newsletterPhoto - Gemma - March 2016 newsletter for further information






Supporting causes so June’s spirit lives on as a catalyst for change.

We offer funding to organisations that align with the work undertaken by June during her life.